I am excited to introduce Apple Blossom Preschool!
I have taken great care to gather the best ideas for helping
young children enjoy learning, develop confidence, and
have happy social experiences. This is a time for fun, trying new things, and laughing.
There has been a growing awareness for the need to get children outside
for healthy, happy learning. Some of our best childhood memories
come from being in nature. I am also aware of the value of music, art,
sensory learning and play. I will be incorporating these strategiess into our plans.
I'm glad you’re joining us in this adventure!
Registration fee:
$90.00 (used for materials and supplies)
This fee holds your child’s place in the class and is non-refundable.
3-4 year old class: $120.00 per month, 2 days/week
4-5 year old class: $160.00 per month, 3 days/week
Tuition is due by the 1st preschool day of the month. If tuition is not received by the
2nd preschool day, you will be charged a $10.00 late fee. Please make checks payable to
Giselle Mansfield or Venmo @giselle-mansfield.
Fall-Winter 2025-2026 Schedule
We will follow the Alpine School District Calendar.
3-4 year old:
9:30-12:00pm. Tuesday/Thursday
First day of school: August 21
Last day of school: May 21
4-5 year old (2 classes)
9:30-12:00 pm. Monday/Tuesday/Thursday
12:30-3:00 pm. Monday/Tuesday/Thursday
First day of school: August 21
Last day of school: May 21
Phonics (alphabet recognition and sounds), number sense and recognition, counting, patterns,
shapes, colors, writing their name, scissor skills, fine motor skills, gross motor skills,
music (rhythm, singing, games), listening and oral skills, love of nature, social skills, kindness and manners,
practical life skills, dramatic play, sensory learning
Monthly Calendar:
Each month we will provide a calendar with monthly themes, activities, and snack assignments.
We encourage you to dress your child in appropriate clothing for exploring, creating, and having fun!
Using our creativity can get kind of MESSY! We will use art smocks as needed.
Also, please dress your child for the weather. We will be going outside throughout the year.
We prefer slip on or Velcro shoes for efficiency with our valuable preschool time.
Arrival and Departure:
Please enter our neighborhood from 6620 W or 9500 N to help the drop off and pick up go smoothly.
Please park along the curb facing north. This keeps cars moving in the same direction which creates safety
for the children. Please be punctual as well. Thank you in advance!
Sick Policy:
Please, please do not bring a sick child to class. This shows consideration to all involved.
Please call and let us know if your child will not be coming to school.
We can set aside missed work/activities that your child can complete at home.
Each child needs to bring a full-size backpack or reusable shopping bag to school each day.
Each child also needs to bring a large white t-shirt to be kept at the school for an art smock.
We will assign a date for students to bring a snack to share with the class.
This is a fun opportunity for your child to contribute to the class.
Please include your child in preparing the snack (picking out the snack, counting, placing items in bags, etc.) Snacks should be store bought. Assignments will be posted on the monthly calendar.
Please do NOT send snacks that contain peanuts/peanut butter due to allergies.
We love celebrations! Please feel free to bring a birthday treat for the class on your birthday.
Birthdays that fall during the summer months will be celebrated during the last month of preschool.